My ladies group at church is reading a book I do not like.
I won’t tell you the name of the book, but it’s a book of questions we sometimes ask God and a few other types of questions.
My overarching problem with this book is not that the author asks questions of God, but that she does it to such a degree that the faith lesson almost gets lost. Rather than comforting her readers in their questioning, she heaps question upon question upon question … as if God owes us an explanation. She offers few words to calm the agitation she creates, and her tone is often … dare I say it? Petulant.
It rankles me.
But, questions to God are not a bad thing.
He’s big enough; He can take whatever we can dish out. And what’s more, He wants us to talk with Him about our doubts, fears, worries, whatever is weighing down our hearts. He doesn’t want us to allow the griefs of this world to separate us from Him or to make us doubt His faithfulness to us, His goodness to us, or His love for us.
I must confess, though, lately I’ve been asking God a few questions myself: What are you doing? Why has this happened? What do we do now?
And then I realize there’s an even greater question I should be asking.
Not just, “God, what are you doing?” But, “LORD, how can I help?”
So if you find yourself asking, “What now, God?” I think I might know the answer:
Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be bright as noon. The LORD will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well-watered garden, like an ever-flowing spring. Isaiah 58: 10-12 NLT
In that Scripture verse, I hope you noticed more than just the encouragement to serve. I hope you also saw God’s promise to guide continually, give us water (or maybe meet our greatest needs), and restore our strength. You are not in this – whatever your “this” is – alone. Lean into Father God, His faithfulness, goodness, and love will not only see you through, but will also be the “ever-flowing spring” from which you are empowered to show His love to others.
Let’s talk …
When have you experienced God’s love through others? How have you shown God’s love to those in your life?